A host of wonderful colleges including: American, Amherst, Bard, Barnard, Boston College, Boston University, Brandeis, Brown, Bryn Mawr. Bucknell, Caltech, Carnegie Mellon, Case Western, Clark, Clemson, Colby, College of Wooster, Colorado College, Colorado School of Mines, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Davidson, Denison, Dickinson, Duke, Duquesne, Elon, Emory, Fordham, Franklin & Marshall, Furman, Georgetown, GWU, Georgia Tech, Grinnell, Hamilton, Harvard, Haverford, High Point, Indiana, Johns Hopkins, Kalamazoo, Lafayette, Lawrence, Lehigh, Loyola, Macalester, Miami University of Ohio, Middlebury, Muhlenberg, Northeastern, Northwestern, Notre Dame, NYU, Oberlin, Occidental, Ohio State Honors, Oxford, Penn State Honors, Pomona, Princeton, Reed, Rice, Rollins, Sarah Lawrence, SCAD, Skidmore, SMU, Stanford, SUNY-Binghamton, Susquehanna, Swarthmore, Syracuse Newhouse, TCU, Tufts, Tulane, UChicago, UCLA, UC-Berkeley, UDelaware Honors, UGeorgia, UMich, UMiami, UMinnesota, UPenn, UPittsburgh Honors, URichmond, URochester, USC, U St Andrews, USNA, UTexas-Austin, UVA, UWisconsin, Vanderbilt, Villanova, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest, Washington College, Washington Univ. in St. Louis, Wellesley, Wesleyan, Wharton, William & Mary, Williams, Yale...
Much merit $$$ has been offered, too: a potential bonus of producing a stellar app is that some top colleges offer vastly reduced tuition and "scholar" status to entice you to attend!
I work independently. But I can offer a seasoned, nuanced understanding of what's entailed in successful merit-based admission to highly selective colleges and what to expect once on campus.
You bet! I'll help you find wonderful schools where you'll thrive--academically, personally, socially. Many strategies needed to successfully apply to the most selective schools benefit all applicants.
No. I recognize that any process that forces you to examine yourself and come up with a product (that expresses that) is fundamentally difficult. But with my individualized brainstorming and coaching and editing suggestions, you'll create essays that reveal, in your voice, your best self.
Yes! If we cannot meet in person, I’ve long worked very successfully using Zoom, or Skype, with clients from all over.
I can be a thought-partner for parents: providing info, resources, insight, oversight.
In other words: coaching the parent to be their teen's college admissions coach!
A person with deep, rich knowledge of a particular realm who finds purpose in sharing that wisdom.
(412) 638-1611
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